
Who we are

The address of our website is

What personal data we collect and why we do it


Personal data is not created solely by the user’s actions on the website. They also occur as a result of technical processes such as contact forms, cookies, statistics and third party embeds.

Content uploaded from other web pages

This web page may contain content (such as videos, pictures, text, etc.) uploaded from other web pages. Viewing and interacting with such uploaded content on this web page amounts to a visit to the web pages from which the content is uploaded.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, third-party tracking services, and monitor your actions with uploaded content.

Cookie name Description Creation time Lifetime Use data
_ga, _gat, _gid These cookies are used to collect traffic statistics. The resulting data is used for reporting purposes and to improve the page. During the entrance to the page 2 years 30 minutes IP addresses and unique ID numbers. Accounting result is statistical. The meter is accounted for by GOOGLE ANALYTICS
usecookie User consent to cookie information At the time of consent to the information 1 year Skaitinė reikšmė

How long we keep your data

If you write a comment, its text and metadata are stored indefinitely. This is so that we can recognize and approve future comments automatically instead of the administrator’s approval.

When you sign up for our website and become a user, we store all your personal data that you submit to your account. Each user can view, edit and delete their personal data at any time (except for their username). Webmasters can also view and edit this data.

Your rights

If you have an account on this site or have ever commented here, you may request to receive a data export file containing all the personal data we hold about you, including those you have provided to us. You may also require us to delete any personal data we hold about you. These two requirements do not apply to data that we are required to retain by law for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Visitors’ comments can be checked using an automated spam search service.